This site is aimed at informing parents to be about the delicate development of their expected baby. In our culture, we get a lot of information about what is supposed to be good for children. This is often accepted without doubt, but it sometimes has its downsides. Therefore, it is wise to think about which principles you want to take as a parent, already before your child is born. An example of such a principle is the use of a maxi cosi. In the car, this is the most safe child’s seat existing, and because the maxi cosi is so compact and easy to handle, it is used for all kinds of practices – like as a bike seat or carrier. The position of the child is, however, not supporting the motor development. Quite the contrary: the maxi cosi has a negative influence on the development. Safety and movement development are thus placed as opposites in this case.
There are more interests that have to be weighted. In order to be able to do this, it is necessary to be informed about the arguments on which you can base your choice.